
MTM 3legBase
MTM 3legBase
MTM Flex Electric Table
MTM Flex Electric Table

Tables It has long been proven that standing throughout the day is good for your health. It is recommended that you stand for 45 minutes out of every hour of your day, and sit for 15 minutes. In a traditionally fixed workspace for a “desk job” this is nearly impossible without a height adjustable table. With a constantly changing work environment, our furniture should not be left behind but be able to change with it. Supporting the need of the changing station, the Flex Adjustable table allows a seamless transition between sitting and standing throughout the day to accommodate the wide range of needs required for the body. By providing a healthier work environment, along with more control over their workspaces, people tend to be more productive. By incorporating the Flex Adjustable table into an open, private or training spaces, you start encouraging users to get up and move – it’s easy, quick and quiet to operate.

MTM has both single and dual motor base options available.
MTM Flex is a dual motor and 3 stage base
MTM Helium is a single motor and 2 stage base

Flex Adjustable Table Brochure

MTM Flex Base Only Spec Sheet

MTM Helium Spec Sheet

MTM Helium Assembly Instructions

MTM Flex Assembly Instructions

MTM Flex Finishes

MTM Flex Height Adjustable Table Reset

MTM Flex Power Consumption

MTM Flex Height Adjustable Operating and Troubleshooting Guide

MTM 3-Leg Base Technical Drawings


Quick Installation Instructions

Digital Control Initialization and Resetting Instructions 2.0

Digital Control Initialization and Resetting Instructions 1.0